Peri-Cues Ep-P 03 grau
Mehr von Queues / Cues

599 CHF
inkl. 8.1% MwSt., Gratislieferung (Paket)
Sofort lieferbar (knapp) Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage
Im Laden verfügbar (knapp) Standort: Goldau
Butt length 29'' shaft length 29'' Weight Cue weight range: 18.5oz~19.5oz can adjust the weight by weight bolt kits. tip size 12.55mm Tips Black Ice tip M . / JUMA ferrule. Shaft Hybrid shaft P20-S shaft Joint Radial pin joint. Ring Ebony insert elforyn ring. Blue dymondwood decoration ring. Forearm Grey dymondwood with maple core. grap starling texture leather wrap with maple core Sleeve Grey dymondwood with maple core. weight system 3/8-16 weight bolt invisible series number Anti-counterfeiting invisible serial code

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